MPSP Equal Opportunity Program
Science is biased. Top-tier scientists are still mostly male and white – despite the fact that studies show that diverse teams are more productive and creative and have a better working atmosphere. Photonics is unfortunately no exception here. For example, according to the American Physical Society, only slightly above 20% of doctoral degrees in physics and engineering fields are given to women [1]. And according to the American Institute of Physics, only 18% of all full physics professors are female [2].
But that doesn't mean we can't change it!
The Max Planck School of Photonics aims to recruit excellent students from all genders, nationalities, ethnic and social backgrounds, sexual orientations, and physical abilities. As part of our “Equal Opportunity Program”, we especially encourage applications from individuals who belong to underrepresented groups in science.
Of course, all applicants are welcome to contact us and ask questions about their application process.
MPSP Office
As the topic of gender diversity is particularly close to our hearts, female & diverse applicants are welcome to additionally contact Dr. Julia Hengster, our central coordinator. She is a female physicist herself and will be happy to answer any questions you may have about your career development:

Julia Hengster
Central CoordinatorIf you have a physical disability and wonder how your equal opportunities can be established in the application process and everyday Ph.D. life, please contact our Equal Opportunity Officer Dr. Anna Späthe: