MPSP Lecture Series 2023

Neuigkeiten aus der Photonikforschung aus erster Hand - nehmen Sie an den kostenlosen Vorlesungen unserer Fellows teil!

6. September 2023

Die Wissenschaft des Lichts hat ebenso viele Facetten wie das Licht selbst - von der Nanophotonik über die Quantenoptik bis hin zur Starkfeldphysik gibt es unzählige interessante Forschungsfelder. In vielen von ihnen sind unsere MPSP-Fellows, also Forscher, aktiv. An Universitäten und außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen arbeiten sie daran, dem Licht seine Geheimnisse zu entlocken und es für den Menschen in vielfältiger Weise nutzbar zu machen.

Und jetzt könnt Ihr einen Einblick in diese Forschung bekommen! Von Anfang September bis Dezember 2023 haben wir wieder (fast) jeden Mittwoch um 17 Uhr MEZ (= 15 Uhr UTC | 11 Uhr EDT | 20.30 Uhr IST) eine spannende MPSP Lecture Series für Sie. Ein MPSP Fellow berichtet 45 Minuten über ihre/seine Forschung. Anschließend könnt Ihr 15 Minuten lang Fragen stellen und diskutieren.

Die Vortragsreihe ist völlig kostenlos und findet virtuell über Zoom statt. 

Vergangene Vorlesungen

MPSP Vorlesungsreihe mit Prof. Stefan Nolte |06.12.2023 - 5 p.m. CET
Lecture Topic: Internal processing with ultrashort laser pulses – from dielectrics to semiconductors

Ultrashort pulse laser processing has become a powerful tool for direct inscription of optical functionalities like waveguides, Bragg structures or artificial birefringence in various glasses and crystals. In addition, cutting and welding of different glasses has been demonstrated with ultrashort pulses. All these processes rely on a well-controlled nonlinear energy deposition inside the transparent material.
In this lecture, we will cover the fundamentals of the nonlinear energy deposition and discuss how to transfer this to semiconductor materials. mehr
MPSP Vorlesungsreihe mit Prof. Thomas Pertsch |29.11.2023 - 5 p.m. CET
Lecture Topic: Nonlinear photonic metasurfaces and nanoresonators
Due to their strong field confinement, nanoscale optical resonators can enhance light-matter interactions considerably already for moderate quality factors of the resonances. This can give rise to appreciable nonlinear effects. When multiple such nanoresonators are arranged in an ordered ensemble, collective resonance effects can enhance these nonlinear effects even further. Metasurfaces, being formed by a two-dimensional lattice of nanoresonators, therefore open the door to many applications relying on nonlinear light generation or manipulation. In this lecture I will introduce to the basic effects, the typical materials and technological constrains as well as some application examples. mehr
MPSP Vorlesungsreihe mit Dr. Steffen Sahl |23.11.2023 - 5 p.m. CET
Lecture Topic: Fluorescence Imaging at the Angström Scale
The lecture will describe the initial demonstrations of quantitative intra-molecular distance measurement capabilities with MINFLUX fluorescence nanoscopy, in the FRET (Förster resonance energy transfer) range and below, down to Angström distances. MINFLUX localization, pioneered and developed by Stefan Hell and his laboratory, achieves unique measurement precisions of single molecules.

Research Topic: Nanoscopic Analysis of Neurodegenerative Disease Proteins
Dr. Steffen J. Sahl researches at the Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences in Göttingen. His research interests are in biophysical imaging and spectroscopy at high resolution and sensitivity, in particular the further development of super-resolved fluorescence microscopy (nanoscopy), and applying these methods to analyze the intracellular pathogenic events involving aggregation-prone proteins and their fragments in neurodegenerative disorders, notably Huntington's and prion diseases mehr
MPSP Vorlesungsreihe mit Prof. Carlo Holly |22.11.2023 - 5 p.m. CET
Research Topic: Optical Systems, Computational Optics, EUV-Technology
Professor, theoretical physicist and mechanical engineer with specialization in optical technology, photonics and numerical modeling. Holly studied mechanical engineering and physics at RWTH Aachen University and received his PhD in April 2019 from the RWTH Chair of Laser Technology LLT. In 2017, he joined TRUMPF Photonics in Cranbury, USA, where he worked on semiconductor laser development with focus on modeling of high-power diode lasers. In 2021 Prof. Holly became new head of the RWTH Chair for Technology of Optical Systems TOS, and since October 2022 he is the Head of Department Data Science and Measurement Technology at Fraunhofer ILT.
MPSP Vorlesungsreihe mit Dr. Falk Eilenberger |16.11.2023 - 5 p.m. CET
Lecture Topic: Photonics for Climate. Nanophotonic instruments to analyse the atmosphere
Climate change is one of the most pressing problems of our time. In order to better understand and regulate these processes, we must be able to measure the composition of the atmosphere at any place and at any time. Above all, the quantitative measurement of trace gases such as CO2, nitrogen oxides, water vapour and methane is a major metrological challenge that can only be solved by high-performance spectrometers, such as those used in ESA's Sentinel programme. Nanostructured gratings and complex setups with gratings form the heart of the instruments. Using the ESA mission CO2m as an example, I discuss Jena's contribution to optical instruments and show that large, lithographic structures that enable the control of light on the scale of nanometres are a key element for modern high-performance optics. mehr
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Schmidt has held the Chair of Photonic Technologies at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) since it was founded in 2009. In 2002 he completed his doctorate on the subject of "Process control for laser beam spot welding in electronics production" and became then a member of the board of directors of Bayerische Laserzentrum GmbH, which he has been managing director since January 2005. His current research interests include laser applications from the microscopic to the macroscopic scale in the fields of industrial manufacturing, additive manufacturing and medical technology.
MPSP Lecture Series with Prof. Stefan Karsch |09.11.2023 - 5 p.m. CET
Lecture Topic: Physics with Big Lasers

Prof. Karsch is a group leader of “High Field Lasers and Applications Group (HiFLAG)”. His group works on high-power laser development, electron and X-ray sources, as well as applications of these sources. Prof. Stefan Karsch's "High Field Lasers and Applications Group (HiFLAG)" encompasses three major research directions: 1. Operation and development of high-power laser systems. 2. Laser-driven electron acceleration. 3. Laser-driven X-ray sources and their applications.
Lecture Topic:

Prof. Karsch is a group leader of “High Field Lasers and Applications Group (HiFLAG)”. His group works on high-power laser development, electron and X-ray sources, as well as applications of these sources. Prof. Stefan Karsch's "High Field Lasers and Applications Group (HiFLAG)" encompasses three major research directions: 1. Operation and development of high-power laser systems. 2. Laser-driven electron acceleration. 3. Laser-driven X-ray sources and their applications.
MPSP Vorlesungsreihe mit Prof. Uwe Morgner |08.11.2023 - 5 p.m. CET
Lecture Topic: Parametric amplification of few-cycle laser pulses
This lecture covers a wide range of topics from the basic concepts of nonlinear optics to topical waveform synthesizer systems. The different types of pumping technology are introduced and compared. The spatio-temporal pulsing dynamics during parametric amplification is analyzed. Design criteria are given and selected applications are discussed. mehr
MPSP Vorlesungsreihe mit Prof. Ralf Röhlsberger |01.11.2023 - 5 p.m. CET
Lecture Topic: The quest for the ultranarrow nuclear resonances in the x-ray regime

The extremely high spectral resolution of nuclear transitions can be used for applications in extreme metrology, for instance for development of a nuclear clock superior to the state-of-art atomic optical clocks or for interferometry with utmost sensitivity. The major advantage of nuclear transitions is a much smaller sensitivity to frequency shifts from electromagnetic fields as compared to atomic transitions. This qualifies nuclear transitions for testing of fundamental principles of physics, including temporal variation of the fundamental constants. In this Lecture I will report about new experimental opportunities in this field at X-ray laser sources. mehr
MPSP Vorlesungsreihe mit Prof. Stefanie Gräfe |25.10.2023 - 5 p.m. CET
Lecture Topic: Molecular-plasmonic Hybrid Systems in External Light Fields
The excitation of collective electron dynamics inside the metallic nanoparticles induced by external light fields leads to strongly re-shaped electromagnetic nearfields with a complex spatial and temporal profile. The interaction of these modified and enhanced nearfields with systems located in close vicinity to the metallic nanoparticle is the origin of many astonishing physical and chemical phenomena, such as the formation of new quasi-particles, new mechanisms for chemical reactions or the ultra-high spatial resolution and selectivity in molecular detection.  mehr
VERSCHOBEN auf den 18.10.23 - MPSP Vorlesungsreihe mit Prof. David Hunger |18.10.2023 - 5 p.m. CEST
Thema Lecture: Quanten- und Nano-Optik mit abstimmbaren Mikrokavitäten
Optische Mikrokavitäten sind ein leistungsfähiges Instrument zur Verbesserung der Wechselwirkungen zwischen Licht und Materie. Dies ermöglicht Anwendungen, die von hochempfindlicher Spektroskopie und Sensorik bis hin zur Quanteninformation reichen. Wir haben mikroskopische Fabry-Perot-Resonatoren auf der Grundlage von laserbearbeiteten optischen Fasern entwickelt, um eine große Resonanzverstärkung auf einer flexiblen Plattform zu erreichen.
Im Rahmen der Sensorik nutzen wir Mikrokavitäten für Bildgebungs- und Spektroskopieanwendungen sowie für die Erfassung der dynamischen Eigenschaften einzelner Nanosysteme. Wir haben die Rasterkavitätenmikroskopie als vielseitige Methode zur räumlich und spektral aufgelösten Abbildung verschiedener optischer Eigenschaften einer Probe mit sehr hoher Empfindlichkeit entwickelt. Die gleichzeitige Verstärkung von Absorptions-, Dispersions- und Streusignalen verspricht ein faszinierendes Potenzial für optische Untersuchungen von Nanomaterialien, Molekülen und biologischen Nanosystemen.
Für Anwendungen im Bereich der Quanteninformation nutzen wir solche Kavitäten, um einzelne spintragende Quantenemitter durch Purcell-Verstärkung der Fluoreszenzemission effizient auslesen zu können. Wir untersuchen Festkörper-Quantenemitter wie NV-Zentren in Diamant und Seltene-Erden-Ionen mit dem Ziel, einen Quanten-Repeater für die Quantenkommunikation über große Entfernungen und optisch adressierbare Multi-Quadrantenregister für Quantencomputerknoten zu realisieren. mehr
Research Topic: Photonic integrated circuits, silicon photonics, guided waves, electronic-photonic integrated systems, heterogeneous integration
Joyce Poon is a Director at the Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Toronto, Honorary Professor in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Technical University of Berlin, and Affiliate Scientist of the Krembil Research Institute in Toronto. She and her team specialize in integrated photonics on silicon for computing, communications, and neurotechnology. Ph.D. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from the California Institute of Technology in 2007 and 2003 respectively. B.A.Sc. in Engineering Science (physics option) from the University of Toronto in 2002. Appointed Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto in 2007. Director at the Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics since 2018. Fellow of the Optical Society. mehr
MPSP Vorlesungsreihe mit Prof. Klaus Jöns |13.09.2023 - 5 p.m. CEST
Research Topic: hybrid quantum photonic devices
At Paderborn University, Prof. Dr. Klaus Jöns heads up the “Hybrid Quantum Photonic Devices” working group, which focuses on the development of novel components for photonic quantum technologies, with a particular focus on quantum communication and computing applications. mehr
MPSP Vorlesungsreihe mit Prof. Gerhard G. Paulus |06.09.2023 - 5 p.m. CET
Lecture Topic: Non-invasive  cross-sectional imaging with nano-scale resolution
We will start with learning about optical coherence tomography, a really beautiful imaging method that you already may have encountered as a patient in an ophthalmologists office. In my lab, we have developed a setup for coherence tomography in the extreme ultraviolet spectral region. While your eye doctor would take cross-sectional images of your retina with micrometer resolution, we look into, e.g., silicon samples and detect and characterize buried structures with nanometer resolution. mehr

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