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Publikationen aus 2024
- Pesch, R., Diercks, A., Petry, J., Welle, A., Peppenberger, R., Schackmar, F., Eggers, H., Sutter, J., Lemmer, U., Paetzold, U.W., (2024). Hybrid Two-Step Inkjet-Printed Perovskite Solar Cells.
Publikationen aus 2023
- Jisha, C. P., Arumugam, S. V., Marrucci, L., Nolte, S. & Alberucci, A. (2023). Waveguiding driven by the Pancharatnam-Berry phase. Physical review, 107(1).
- Kahvedžić, R., Habibović, D., Becker, W., Gräfe, S. & Milošević, D. B. (2023). Nondipole effects in atomic ionization induced by an intense Counter‐Rotating bicircular laser field. Annalen der Physik, 535(3), 2200616.
- Soltau, J., Meyer, P., Hartmann, R., Strueder, L., Soltau, H. & Salditt, T. (2023). Full-field x-ray fluorescence imaging using a fresnel zone plate coded aperture. Optica, 10(1), 127.
- Fedotova, A., Younesi, M., Weissflog, M. A., Arslan, D., Pertsch, T., Staude, I. & Setzpfandt, F. (2023). Spatially engineered nonlinearity in resonant metasurfaces. Photonics Research, 11(2), 252.
- Cirmi, G., Mainz, R. E., Silva-Toledo, M. A., Scheiba, F., Cankaya, H., Kubullek, M., Rossi, G. M. & Kärtner, F. X. (2023). Optical waveform Synthesis and its applications. Laser & Photonics Reviews, 17(4).
- Edelmann, M., Malekmohamadi, S., Hua, Y., Vargas, E. C., Pergament, M. & Kaertner, F. X. (2023). Large-mode-area Soliton fiber oscillator mode-locked using NPE in an all-PM self-stabilized interferometer. Applied Optics, 62(7), 1672.
- Blázquez Martínez, L., Wiedemann, P., Zhu, C., Geilen, A. & Stiller, B. (2023). Optoacoustic cooling of traveling hypersound waves.
- Haindl, R., Köster, K., Gaida, J.H., Franz, A. & Ropers, C. Femtosecond tunable-wavelength photoassisted cold field emission. Appl. Phys. B 129, 40 (2023).
- Meier, S., Heimerl, J. & Hommelhoff, P. Few-electron correlations after ultrafast photoemission from nanometric needle tips. Nat. Phys. (2023).
- Irshad, F., Eberle, C., Foerster, F. M., Grafenstein, K. V., Haberstroh, F., Travac, E., Weisse, N., Karsch, S. & Döpp, A. (2023). Pareto optimization of a laser wakefield accelerator. arXiv (Cornell University).
- Irshad, F., Karsch, S. & Döpp, A. (2023). Multi-objective and multi-fidelity Bayesian optimization of laser-plasma acceleration. Physical review research, 5(1).
- Lamperti, M., Rutkowski, L., Ronchetti, D. et al. Stimulated Raman scattering metrology of molecular hydrogen. Commun Phys 6, 67 (2023).
- Arghadeep Pal, Alekhya Ghosh, Shuangyou Zhang, Toby Bi, and Pascal Del’Haye, "Machine learning assisted inverse design of microresonators," Opt. Express 31, 8020-8028 (2023).
- Kržič, A., Döll, N., Chandrashekara, U., Spiess, C., & Steinlechner, F. (2023) "Adjustable spatial filter for optimal free-space quantum communication round the clock". - Nicolas Couture, Wei Cui, Markus Lippl, Rachel Ostic, Défi Junior Jubgang Fandio, Eeswar Kumar Yalavarthi, Aswin Vishnuradhan, Angela Gamouras, Nicolas Y. Joly & Jean-Michel Ménard. “Single-pulse terahertz spectroscopy monitoring sub-millisecond time dynamics at a rate of 50 kHz,” Nat Commun 14, 2595 (Mai 2023).
Publikationen aus 2022
Puneet Garg, Aristeidis G. Lamprianidis, Dominik Beutel, Theodosios Karamanos, Barbara Verfürth, Carsten Rockstuhl. Modeling four-dimensional metamaterials: a T-matrix approach to describe time-varying metasurfaces. 2022.
Johannes Blöchl, Johannes Schötz, Ancyline Maliakkal, Natālija Šreibere, Zilong Wang, Philipp Rosenberger, Peter Hommelhoff, Andre Staudte, Paul B. Corkum, Boris Bergues, Matthias F. Kling. Spatio-temporal sampling of near-petahertz vortex fields. 2022. arXiv:2203.15265. https://
Kai S. Schulze, Benjamin Grabiger, Robert Loetzsch, Berit Marx-Glowna, Annika T. Schmitt, Alejandro Laso Garcia, Willi Hippler, Lingen Huang, Felix Karbstein, Zuzana Konôpková, Hans Peter Schlenvoigt, Jan-Patrick Schwinkendorf, Cornelius Strohm, Toma Toncian, Ingo Uschmann, Hans-Christian Wille, Ulf Zastrau, Ralf Röhlsberger, Thomas Stöhlker, Thomas E. Cowan, and Gerhard G. Paulus. Towards perfectly linearly polarized x-rays. 2022. Phys. Rev. Research 4, 013220.
Koeppel; Jasper Podschus; Nicolas Y. Joly; Philip St.J. Russell; Bernhard Schmauss. Kalman Filter assisted Tracking of Microparticles in Hollow-Core Photonic Crystal Fibers for Sensor Applications.
Michael Weber, Henrik von der Emde, Marcel Leutenegger, Philip Gunkel, Volker C. Cordes, Sivakumar Sambandan, Taukeer A. Khan, Jan Keller-Findeisen, Stefan W. Hell. (2022) MINSTED nanoscopy enters the Ångström localization range. bioRxiv 2022.03.18.484906; doi:
Neuhaus, M.; Schötz, J.; Aulich, M.; Srivastava, A.; Kimbaras, D.; Smejkal, V.; Pervak, V.; Alharbi, M. ; Azzeer, A.; Libisch, F.; Lemell, C.; Burgdörfer, J.; Wang, Z. and Kling, M.F. "Transient field-resolved reflectometry at 50–100 THz," Optica 9, 42-49 (2022)
Schötz, J., Maliakkal, A., Blöchl, J. et al. The emergence of macroscopic currents in photoconductive sampling of optical fields. Nat Commun 13, 962 (2022).
Sultanov V, Santiago-Cruz T, Chekhova M (2022) Flat-optics generation of broadband photon pairs with tunable polarization entanglement. arXiv.
Tobias Boolakee, Christian Heide, Antonio Garzón-Ramírez, Heiko B. Weber, Ignacio Franco, Peter Hommelhoff. Light-field control of real and virtual charge carriers. 2022. arXiv:2203.03509.
N. Upmanyu, J. Jin, H. v. d. Emde, M. Ganzella, L. Bösche, V. N. Malviya, E. Zhuleku, A. Z. Politi, M. Ninov, I. Silbern, M. Leutenegger, H. Urlaub, D. Riedel, J. Preobraschenski, I. Milosevic, S. W. Hell, R. Jahn and S. Sambandan, "Colocalization of different neurotransmitter transporters on synaptic vesicles is sparse except for VGLUT1 and ZnT3," Neuron, vol. 110, p. 1483–1497.e7, May 2022.
V. Sultanov, T. Santiago-Cruz und M. V. Chekhova, „Polarization-entangled photons from ultrathin nonlinear layers,“ in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Washington, D.C., 2022.
T. Santiago-Cruz, S. D. Gennaro, O. Mitrofanov, S. Addamane, J. Reno, I. Brener and M. V. Chekhova, "Resonant metasurfaces for generating complex quantum states," Science, vol. 377, p. 991–995, August 2022.
T. Santiago-Cruz, S. D. Gennaro, O. Mitrofanov, P. P. Vabishchevich, S. Addamane, D. Bethke, J. Reno, I. Brener und M. V. Chekhova, „Photon pair generation from Bound States in the Continuum in nonlinear metasurfaces,“ in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Washington, D.C., 2022.
Rahimzadegan, T. D. Karamanos, R. Alaee, A. G. Lamprianidis, D. Beutel, R. W. Boyd and C. Rockstuhl, "A comprehensive multipolar theory for periodic metasurfaces," Adv. Opt. Mater., vol. 10, p. 2102059, May 2022.
H. T. Olgun, W. Tian, G. Cirmi, K. Ravi, C. Rentschler, H. Çankaya, M. Pergament, M. Hemmer, N. H. Matlis und F. X. Kärtner, „Highly efficient narrowband terahertz generation in PPLN driven by a two-line laser source,“ in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Washington, D.C., 2022.
H. T. Olgun, W. Tian, G. Cirmi, K. Ravi, C. Rentschler, H. Çankaya, M. Pergament, M. Hemmer, Y. Hua, D. N. Schimpf, N. H. Matlis and F. X. Kärtner, "Highly efficient generation of narrowband terahertz radiation driven by a two-spectral-line laser in PPLN," Opt. Lett., vol. 47, p. 2374–2377, May 2022.
E. Narváez Castañeda, J. C. Guerra Vázquez, R. Ramı́rez Alarcón, I. Agha, Q. Zhan and W. N. Plick, "Ince-Gauss beams in a turbulent atmosphere: the effect of structural parameters on beam resilience," Opt. Continuum, vol. 1, p. 1777, August 2022.
Mikhaylov, M. Zakharova, V. Vlnieska, A. Khanda, S. Bremer, M. Zuber, S. Henrique Pezzin and D. Kunka, "Inverted Hartmann mask made by deep X-ray lithography for single-shot multi-contrast X-ray imaging with laboratory setup," Opt. Express, vol. 30, p. 8494–8509, March 2022.
• A. Kržič, S. Sharma, C. Spiess, U. Chandrashekara, S. Töpfer, G. Sauer, L. J. G.-M. del Campo, T. Kopf, S. Petscharnig, T. Grafenauer, R. Lieger, B. Ömer, C. Pacher, R. Berlich, T. Peschel, C. Damm, S. Risse, M. Goy, D. Rieländer, A. Tünnermann und F. Steinlechner, „Metropolitan free-space quantum networks,“ 2022.
J. C. Guerra Vázquez, E. Narváez Castañeda, R. Ramı́rez Alarcón, I. Agha, Q. Zhan and W. N. Plick, "Generation of four-dimensional hyperentangled NOON states and beyond with photonic orbital angular momentum and detection-basis control," Phys. Rev. A (Coll. Park.), vol. 105, March 2022.
Ghosh, P. Kumar, F. Jimenez, V. Sudhir und C. Genes, „Theory of phase-adaptive parametric cooling,“ 2022.
S. D. Gennaro, T. Santiago-Cruz, O. Mitrofanov, P. P. Vabishchevich, S. Addamane, D. Bethke, J. Reno, M. V. Chekhova und I. Brener, „SPDC conversion from bound state in the continuum in semiconductor metasurfaces: Polarization properties,“ in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Washington, D.C., 2022.
P. Garg, A. G. Lamprianidis, D. Beutel, T. Karamanos, B. Verfürth und C. Rockstuhl, „Modeling four-dimensional metamaterials: A T-matrix approach to describe time-varying metasurfaces,“ Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), 2022.
J. S. Eismann and P. Banzer, "Sub-diffraction-limit Fourier-plane laser scanning microscopy," Optica, vol. 9, p. 455, May 2022.
J. S. Eismann, L. Ackermann, B. Kantor, S. Nechayev, M. Z. Alam, R. Fickler, R. W. Boyd and P. Banzer, "Enhanced spin–orbit coupling in an epsilon-near-zero material," Optica, vol. 9, p. 1094, September 2022.
J. Bütow, J. S. Eismann, M. Milanizadeh, F. Morichetti, A. Melloni, D. A. B. Miller and P. Banzer, "Spatially resolving amplitude and phase of light with a reconfigurable photonic integrated circuit," Optica, vol. 9, p. 939, August 2022.
J. Blöchl, J. Schötz, A. Maliakkal, N. Šreibere, Z. Wang, P. Rosenberger, P. Hommelhoff, A. Staudte, P. B. Corkum, B. Bergues and M. F. Kling, "Spatiotemporal sampling of near-petahertz vortex fields," Optica, vol. 9, p. 755, July 2022.
V. Asadchy, A. G. Lamprianidis, G. Ptitcyn, M. Albooyeh, Rituraj, T. Karamanos, R. Alaee, S. A. Tretyakov, C. Rockstuhl und S. Fan, „Parametric Mie resonances and directional amplification in time-modulated scatterers,“ 2022.
J. J. Arango und U. N. d. C. Escuela de Fı́sica, „Spectral modeling of resonant photonic integrated circuits: tutorial,“ Opt. Pura Apl., Bd. 55, p. 1–19, March 2022.
Publicationen aus 2021
Abzieher, T., Feeney, T., Schackmar, F., Donie, Y.J., Hossain, I.M., Schwenzer, J.A., Hellmann, T., Mayer, T., Powalla, M. and Paetzold, U.W., (2021). From Groundwork to Efficient Solar Cells: On the Importance of the Substrate Material in Co‐Evaporated Perovskite Solar Cells. Advanced Functional Materials, 31(42), p.2104482.
A. Barreda , S. Hell, M. A. Weissflog, A. Minovich, T. Pertsch, & I. Staude (2021). Metal, dielectric and hybrid nanoantennas for enhancing the emission of single quantum dots: A comparative study. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 276, 107900.
C. Boemer, D. Krebs, A. Benediktovitch, E. Rossi, S. Huotari, and N. Rohringer (2021) Towards novel probes for valence charges via x-ray optical wave mixing. Faraday Discuss., 228:451–469, 2021.
Brockmeier, J., Mackwitz, P. W. M., Rüsing, M., Eigner, C., Padberg, L., Santandrea, M., ... & Berth, G. (2021). Non-Invasive Visualization of Ferroelectric Domain Structures on the Non-Polar y-Surface of KTiOPO4 via Raman Imaging. Crystals, 11(9), 1086.
Couperus Cabadag, J. P., [...], Foerster, F. M., et al. (2021). Gas-dynamic density downramp injection in a beam-driven plasma wakefield accelerator. Physical Review Research, 3.
Donie, Y.J., Schlisske, S., Siddique, R.H., Mertens, A., Narasimhan, V., Schackmar, F., Pietsch, M., Hossain, I.M., Hernandez-Sosa, G., Lemmer, U. and Gomard, G., (2021). Phase-Separated Nanophotonic Structures by Inkjet Printing. ACS nano, 15(4), pp.7305-7317.
Donie, Y.J., Yuan, Y., Allegro, I., Schackmar, F., Hossain, I.M., Huber, R., Roger, J., Paetzold, U.W., Gomard, G. and Lemmer, U., (2021). A Self‐Assembly Method for Tunable and Scalable Nano‐Stamps: A Versatile Approach for Imprinting Nanostructures. Advanced Materials Technologies, p.2101008.
Dolinko, A., Borgmann, L., Lutz, C., Curticean, E.R., Wacker, I., Vidal, M.S., Szischik, C., Donie, Y., Inchaussandague, M., Skigin, D. and Hölscher, H., (2021). Analysis of the optical properties of the silvery spots on the wings of the Gulf Fritillary, Dione vanillae. Scientific reports, 11(1), pp.1-10.
Eismann J.S., M. Neugebauer, K. Mantel, P. Banzer (2021) Absolute characterization of high numerical aperture microscope objectives utilizing a dipole scatterer Light: Science & Applications 10 (1), 1-7
Fang, D.; Zazzi, A.; Mueller, J.; Drayss, D.; Fuellner, C.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Mashayekh, A. T.; Das, A. D.; Weizel, M.; Gudyriev, S.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Scheytt, J. C.; Witzens, J.; Koos, C. Optical Arbitrary Waveform Measurement Using Silicon Photonic Slicing Filters Journal of Lightwave Technology (2021) Journal of Lightwave Technology PP(99):1-1
Haerteis L., E. Renner, K. Scheffter, and B. Schmauss, "Quasi-Distributed Temperature Sensing with Large-Scale Draw Tower Gratings," in OSA Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress 2021 (AIS, FTS, HISE, SENSORS, ES), S. Buckley, F. Vanier, S. Shi, K. Walker, I. Coddington, S. Paine, K. Lok Chan, W. Moses, S. Qian, P. Pellegrino, F. Vollmer, G. , J. Jágerská, R. Menzies, L. Emmenegger, and J. Westberg, eds., OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2021), paper SM5A.7.
Hahn V. et al., (2021) Two-step absorption instead of two-photon absorption in 3D nanoprinting. Nature Photonics 15, 932–938 (2021).
Hu, C. X., Li, W. Z., Zhang, W. B., Gong, X. C., Wu, J., & He, F. (2021). Angle-resolved Rabi flopping in strong-field dissociation of molecules. Physical Review A, 103(4), 043122.
Knopf H., M. Zilk, S. Bernet, G. Q. Ngo, F. A. Abtahi, A. George, E. Najafidehaghani, Z. Gan, M. A. Weissflog, T. Vogl, A. Turchanin, U. Schulz, S. Schröder, F. Eilenberger. (2021). Second Harmonic Generation in monolayer WS2 with double resonant Bragg-Cavities. 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC). (pp. 1-1). IEEE.
Kumar M., P. Kumar, A. Vega, M. A. Weissflog, T. Pertsch, & F. Setzpfandt. (2021). Mid-infrared photon pair generation in AgGaS2. Applied Physics Letters, 119(24), 244001.
Lamprianidis, A. G.; Zambrana-Puyalto, X.; Rockstuhl, C.; Fernandez-Corbaton, I. (2021) Directional Coupling of Emitters into Waveguides: A Symmetry Perspective. Laser and Photonics Reviews, Art.NR: 2000516.
Li, W., & He, F. (2021). Generation and application of a polarization-skewed attosecond pulse train. Physical Review A, 104(6), 063114.
Lohse, L. M., Vassholz, M. & Salditt, T. (2021). On incoherent diffractive imaging. Acta Cryst. A77, 480-496.
Lopez-Huidobro, S., Lippl, M., Joly, N. Y., & Chekhova, M. V. (2021). Fiber-based biphoton source with ultrabroad frequency tunability. Optics Letters, 46 (16).
Mantel K., I. Barakat, V. Nercissian, I. Harder, and S. Rothau (2021) "Phase singularity reduction in speckle interferometry by tailoring the spatial coherence of light," Appl. Opt. 60, 7043-7053
S. Nechayev, J.S. Eismann, R. Alaee, E. Karimi, R.W. Boyd, P. Banzer (2021) Kelvin's chirality of optical beams: Physical Review A 103 (3), L031501
E. Renner, L. Haerteis, N. Weiss, and B. Schmauss (2021). A Novel Approach in Raman Temperature Sensing in Optical Fiber based on Broadband Incident Light," in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, J. Kang, S. Tomasulo, I. Ilev, D. Müller, N. Litchinitser, S. Polyakov, V. Podolskiy, J. Nunn, C. Dorrer, T. Fortier, Q. Gan, and C. Saraceno, eds., OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2021), paper ATh2S.2.
Renner E., L. -S. Haerteis, A. Rittler and B. Schmauss, (2021) Implementation of a Digital Shadow for Fiber Bragg Gratings 2021 International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD) pp. 103-104, doi: 10.1109/NUSOD52207.2021.9541525.
Santiago-Cruz T., A. Fedotova, V. Sultanov, M. A. Weissflog, D. Arslan, M. Younesi, T. Pertsch, I. Staude, F. Setzpfandt, & M. Chekhova, (2021). Photon Pairs from Resonant Metasurfaces. Nano Letters. 21, 10, 4423–4429.
Schötz, J., Seiffert, L., Maliakkal, A., Blöchl, J., Zimin, D., Rosenberger, P., Bergues, B., Hommelhoff, P., Krausz, F., Fennel, T. and Kling, M.F.. "Onset of charge interaction in strong-field photoemission from nanometric needle tips" Nanophotonics, vol. 10, no. 14, 2021, pp. 3769-3775.
Skruszewicz S, Fuchs S, Abel JJ, Nathanael J, Reinhard J, Rödel C, Wiesner F, Wünsche M, Wachulak P, Bartnik A, Janulewicz K, Fiedorowicz H, Paulus GG. (2021) Coherence tomography with broad bandwidth extreme ultraviolet and soft X-ray radiation. Appl Phys B Lasers Opt. 2021;127(4):1-10.
Soltau J., Lohse L., Osterhoff M., and Salditt T. (2021). Finite-difference propagation for the simulation of x-ray multilayer optics, Opt. Express 29, 41932-41953
K. Tanaka, A. Rahimzadegan, D. Arslan, S. Fasold, M. Steinert, M. Falkner, T. Pertsch, M. Decker, C. Rockstuhl, and I. Staude, "Orientational Disorder in Chiral Bilayer Dielectric Metasurfaces," in OSA Advanced Photonics Congress 2021,
Vogl T., H. Knopf, M. A. Weissflog, P. K. Lam, & F. Eilenberger. (2021). Sensitive single-photon test of extended quantum theory with two-dimensional hexagonal boron nitride. Physical Review Research, 3(1), 013296.
Weissflog M. A., M. Cai, M. Parry, M. Rahmani, L. Xu, A. Fedotova, G. Marino, M. Lysevych, H. Tan, C. Jagadish, A. Miroshnichenko, G. Leo, A. Sukhorukov, F. Setzpfandt, T. Pertsch, I. Staude, D. Neshev (2020). Non-Degenerate Sum-Frequency Generation in (110)-Grown GaAs Nanoresonators. In 2020 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR) (pp. 1-2). IEEE.
Weissflog M. A., S. Saravi, C. Gigli, G. Marino, A. Borne, G. Leo, T. Pertsch & F. Setzpfandt (2021). Describing SPDC at the Nanoscale: A Quasinormal Mode Approach. In 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC) (pp. 1-1). IEEE.
Wiesner F, Wünsche M, Reinhard J, Abel JJ, Nathanael J, Skruszewicz S, Rödel C, Yulin S, Gawlik A, Schmidl G, Hübner U, Plentz J, Paulus GG, Fuchs S. (2021) Material-specific imaging of nanolayers using extreme ultraviolet coherence tomography. Opt Vol 8, Issue 2, pp 230-238. 2021;8(2):230-238.
Zazzi, A.; Mueller, J.; Weizel, M.; Koch, J.; Fang, D.; Moscoso-Martir, A.; Mashayekh, A. T.; Das, A. D.; Drayss, D.; Merget, F.; Kaertner, F. X.; Pachnicke, S.; Koos, C.; Scheytt, J. C.; Witzens, J. Optically Enabled ADCs and Application to Optical Communications IEEE Open Journal of the Solid-State Circuits Society, vol. 1, pp. 209-221, 2021 (2021)
C. Spiess, S. Töpfer, S. Sharma, A. Krzic, G. Sauer, D. Rieländer und F. Steinlechner, „Synchronization of quantum communication systems based on correlated photons,“ in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Washington, D.C., 2021.
T. Santiago-Cruz, A. Fedotova, V. Sultanov, M. Weissflog, M. Younesi, I. Staude, T. Pertsch, F. Setzpfandt und M. V. Chekhova, „Mie resonances in the spectrum of spontaneous parametric down-conversion,“ in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Washington, D.C., 2021.
T. Santiago-Cruz, V. Sultanov, H. Zhang, L. A. Krivitsky and M. V. Chekhova, "Entangled photons from subwavelength nonlinear films," Opt. Lett., vol. 46, p. 653–656, February 2021.
M. Prasciolu, K. T. Murray, N. Ivanov, H. Fleckenstein, M. Domaracky, L. Gelisio, F. Trost, K. Ayyer, D. Krebs, S. Aplin, S. Awel, U. Boesenberg, G. Belšak, A. Barty, A. D. Estillore, M. Fuchs, Y. Gevorkov, J. Hallmann, C. Kim, J. Knoška, J. Küpper, C. Li, W. Lu, V. Mariani, A. J. Morgan, J. Möller, A. Madsen, D. Oberthür, G. E. Peña Murillo, D. A. Reis, M. Scholz, B. Šarler, P. Villanueva-Perez, O. Yefanov, K. A. Zielinski, A. Zozulya, H. N. Chapman und S. Bajt, „On the use of multilayer Laue lenses with X-ray free electron lasers,“ in International Conference on X-Ray Lasers 2020, Online, 2021.
M. Leutenegger, M. Weber, H. von der Emde und S. W. Hell, „Compensating the delayed electro-optical deflector response,“ 2021.
L. M. Hincapie-Zuluaga, J. D. Mazo-Vásquez, C. A. Betancur-Silvera und E. Reyes-Gómez, „Transmission of electromagnetic waves through nonlinear optical layers,“ EPL, Bd. 134, p. 54002, June 2021.
M. Goy, R. Berlich, A. Kržič, D. Rieländer, T. Kopf, S. Sharma und F. O. Steinlechner, „High performance optical free-space links for quantum communications,“ in International Conference on Space Optics — ICSO 2020, Online, 2021.
Fedotova, T. Santiago-Cruz, V. Sultanov, M. Weissflog, M. Younesi, I. Staude, T. Pertsch, F. Setzpfandt und M. V. Chekhova, „Enhancement of spontaneous parametric down-conversion in nonlinear metasurfaces,“ in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Washington, D.C., 2021.
J. S. Eismann, L. H. Nicholls, D. J. Roth, M. A. Alonso, P. Banzer, F. J. Rodrı́guez-Fortuño, A. V. Zayats, F. Nori and K. Y. Bliokh, "Transverse spinning of unpolarized light," Nat. Photonics, vol. 15, p. 156–161, February 2021.
R. Acuna-Herrera, J. J. Arango, P. J. Esquivia, J. P. Montoya, J. D. Pinzon, D. Ramirez, P. I. Torres und S. Vergara-Palacio, „Transmission spectra and power of single and double Tilted Fiber Bragg Grating configurations under pull-induced strain,“ in Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science 2021, Washington, D.C., 2021.
Publicationen aus 2020
Alismail, A., Wang, H., Barbiero, G., Altwaijry, N., Hussain, S. A., Pervak, V., Schweinberger, W., Azzeer, A. M., Krausz, F., & Fattahi, H. (2020). Multi-octave, CEP-stable source for high-energy field synthesis. Science Advances, 6(7), eaax3408.
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Cavanna, A [Andrea], Hammer, J., Okoth, C [Cameron], Ortiz-Ricardo, E., Cruz-Ramirez, H., Garay-Palmett, K., U'Ren, A. B., Frosz, M. H., Jiang, X., Joly, N. Y., & Chekhova, M. V [Maria V.] (2020). Progress toward third-order parametric down-conversion in optical fibers. Physical Review a, 101(3).
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